Fall Semester
Monday-Thursday: 7:30am-10pm
Friday: 7:30pm-5pm
Saturday: 10am-5pm
Sunday: CLOSED
Winter Break
Monday-Friday: 8am-5pm
Saturday: CLOSED
Sunday: CLOSED
December 24-January 1: CLOSED
(See also full Library Hours Calendar.)
Circulation & Research:
(513) 244-4216
Email: library@msj.edu
Archbishop Alter Library
Mount St. Joseph University
5701 Delhi Road
Cincinnati, OH 45233
Website URL: https://library.msj.edu
Encyclopedias, dictionaries, and handbooks provide facts, offer background information, define terminology, and can lead to other resources. The Library has both print and electronic education resources which include the following selected titles. (Note: the majority originate from Wiley Online Library, which also offers a browseable list of Education subjects.)