Spring Semester
Monday-Thursday: 7:30am-10pm
Friday: 7:30pm-5pm
Saturday: 10am-5pm
Sunday: CLOSED
(See also full Library Hours Calendar.)
Circulation & Research:
(513) 244-4216
Email: library@msj.edu
Archbishop Alter Library
Mount St. Joseph University
5701 Delhi Road
Cincinnati, OH 45233
Website URL: https://library.msj.edu
The Archives of Mount St. Joseph University (herein referred to simply as the Archives) serve as the official repository for the permanent records of Mount St. Joseph University (herein referred to simply as the University). The Archives are administered by the University's Library Services. The primary purpose of the Archives is to collect, organize, preserve, and make available for consultation any materials that have enduring value for documenting the history of the University.
In order to build the collection, the University Archives encourages departments and services of Mount St. Joseph to regularly submit appropriate materials for preservation. Procedures for submitting materials are explained in this document. The University Library also welcomes donations of historical materals from alumni and friends of the University.
The University Archives are located on the lower level of Seton Hall adjacent to the Student Lounge/Game room. It is open by appointment only by contacting the Mount Library's Director of Library Services.
In addition, Mount St. Joseph University Digital Archives, hosted by the Ohio Memory Project, is available online. This digital collection contains hundreds of photos spanning from the 1920s (when the school was housed at the Sisters of Charity Motherhouse) to present. Highlights include photos of past Mount presidents, campus life in the 1970s, athletics over the years, and student variety shows dating back to the 1950s. Also available is the entire print run of the Seton Journal—the student newspaper from 1923-1970—which was digitized with the aid of an SC Ministry Foundation grant.
The organization of the Archives is based on the following divisions and functions of the University:
Each of these divisions has numerous sub-divisions.
Schema Numbering Code:
Major category: 100, 200, etc.
Sub-category: 101, 102, etc.
If there is more than one box in a sub-category the boxes are identified by A1, A2, etc.
If there is a major change of topic in a sub-category the new topic becomes B, etc.
In each box the folders are numbered (1), (2), etc.
A date 92-93 indicates a single academic year. 92-93/98-99 indicates that all of the years from and including 92-93 through 98-99 are within that folder.
The Archive collects materials in the following formats: print, photographs, negatives, slides, audiotapes, videotapes, microfilm, machine-readable files, architectural plans, cd-rom, and maps. Other formats will be considered for future retention.
Whenever possible, materials will be preserved in their original format. The University Library will identify selected materials for digital preservation as it has opportunity and means to do so.
The Archives include materials:
Donations to the Archives should be forwarded to the Director of Library Services, who will evaluate the appropriateness of the material for inclusion in the collection.
Materials not easily reproduced or copied may be removed from the Archives due to physical deterioration or space limitations. These decisions will be made by the Archivist in consultation with the Director of Library Services and/or other appropriate University staff.
All materials should be dated and identified in pencil. Staples should be removed.
It is recommended that University departments submit relevant materials to the Archives on a monthly, quarterly and/or annual basis, as materials are available.
To forward materials:
The following materials are to be forwarded to the Director of Library Services for inclusion in the Archives:
Campus offices are responsible for keeping appropriate records of their operations. Follow these procedures for submitting records to the Archives:
Persons seeking access to archival materials may contact the Director of Library Services (513-244-4347) for an appointment. They will fill out a form stating the purpose of their research, the records they wish to consult, and their willingness to abide by archive policies.
Care of Manuscripts
All materials must be handled with care. Writing or placing anything on the manuscript is prohibited. Lead pencil, ball-point pen, computers, and recording devices may be used to take notes. Indelible pencil, ink or liquid of any kind may not be used on documents. Marking, erasing, folding, or tracing in any way may damage materials. Food and beverages are not permitted in the proximity of archival materials.
Servicing Documents
The user should confer with the Director of Library Services regarding materials prior to the time of need. Every effort will be made to service pertinent, available documents. A staff member will service the materials. The reader should keep documents in the order in which they are arranged in the folder. As an individual box is returned, new materials will be released. Before leaving, the reader is responsible for the return of all materials to the attendant.
Restricted Materials
The user of restricted materials is subject to the limitations imposed by the restriction of the donor, depositor, and archival policy.
Photo Duplication
Photocopying serves to expedite research and lessen wear of documents. The reader should identify the material to be copied. For a nominal fee, the documents will be reproduced. In some instances it may be necessary to refuse or limit the amount of copying due to circumstances; for example, the physical condition of the material, limited staff time, special restrictions of the donor, or copyright laws. For unpublished materials, the Archivist may require that photocopies be returned to the Archives at a specified time. The researcher should be informed of this obligation prior to accepting the photocopies. Originals may not be removed without prior consent of the Archivist.