Spring Semester
Monday-Thursday: 7:30am-10pm
Friday: 7:30pm-5pm
Saturday: 10am-5pm
Sunday: CLOSED
(See also full Library Hours Calendar.)
Circulation & Research:
(513) 244-4216
Email: library@msj.edu
Archbishop Alter Library
Mount St. Joseph University
5701 Delhi Road
Cincinnati, OH 45233
Website URL: https://library.msj.edu
The Learning Center is a centralized support system that boosts your ability to succeed at the Mount. Services offered by the Learning Center include: writing assistance, academic coaching, individualized assistance with study strategies, and study tables for athletes.
How to Make an Appointment with the Learning Center:
Visit the Learning Center's online scheduling site and enter your MSJ login to schedule an appointment.
Learning Center Hours:
When classes are in session, 8:00 am - 9:00 pm, Monday - Thursday, and 8:00 am - 4:00 pm on Friday.
Location: Seton Center, Room 156
Questions or interested in employment?
Contact the Learning Center via email at learning.center@msj.edu
For additional information about our services or to learn more about employment opportunities, please visit
Writing Assistance:
Individual consultations are available for every stage of the writing process from developing, writing, and editing strategies.
There is also assistance for citation styles. Visit the Learning Center's scheduling site for drop-in hours and options for writing appointments.
Academic Coaching:
Drop-in hours and individual appointments are available for peer support in many classes. Visit the Learning Center's scheduling site for drop-in hours and options for appointments.
Individual Study Skills Assistance:
Individualized study skills assistance can help you gain a greater understanding of yourself and of the basic skills needed for success in the classroom.
Study Tables:
Evening study tables with peer tutors are offered for student-athletes in the MSJ Library, Monday-Thursday from 7pm-9pm. Athletes can also complete required study tables hours by signing in and studying in the Learning Center, Monday-Thursday from 8am-9pm.
When should I use the Learning Center instead of the Library?
Citation Management
Reference management tools are software that can help you organize and manage your references for papers. We recommend using Zotero as it is free and open-source software and can be used as a desktop or online version. Some of Zotero’s features are creating and generating bibliographies and organizing your references.Cite Tools in Library Databases
Many databases that the MSJ Library offers have tools built-in to article records that will assist you in creating your citation for your sources. For instance, the vendors EBSCO and ProQuest use "Cite" tools throughout their article records.
Learn more about Cite Tools in Library Databases.
Remember to verify the generated citation to ensure that it correctly follows the citation style that you are using. For example, it is not unusual to see capitalization issues within the autogenerated citations, especially for APA citations.