Spring Semester
Monday-Thursday: 7:30am-10pm
Friday: 7:30pm-5pm
Saturday: 10am-5pm
Sunday: CLOSED
(See also full Library Hours Calendar.)
Circulation & Research:
(513) 244-4216
Email: library@msj.edu
Archbishop Alter Library
Mount St. Joseph University
5701 Delhi Road
Cincinnati, OH 45233
Website URL: https://library.msj.edu
At the Search Menu page, scroll down to view Search Options and select Evidence-Based Practice to limit your search results. Also try using the CINAHL Subject Heading "Nursing Practice, Evidence-Based."
Click on the Cochrane Reviews link; select Search CDSR (Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews), or Browse by topic, or Browse by Review Group.
Search for evidence-based medicine or evidence-based practice. Also try using the MeSH subject heading "evidence-based practice."
Search for evidence-based medicine or evidence-based practice.
At the Select Resource(s) to search menu, select Joanna Briggs EBP Database.
Search for evidence-based medicine or evidence-based practice.
Cochrane Library Tutorials
OVID/Joanna Briggs Tutorials
Click on the Patient Ed link in the menu to access, Patient Education Handouts.
To find Evidence-Based Care Sheets, click on the link above the Search Menu.
An evidence-based clinical decision support resource that assists clinicians with point-of-care decisions including drug interactions. Please note: In order to use UpToDate, Wolters Kluwer, the database vendor, requires all MSJ users to create a personal account with login credentials that are separate from their regular MSJ Library login. You must read and follow these directions for account access:
1. To create your Wolters Kluwer UpToDate personal account, click on the database link above.
2. Make sure you are NOT on the MSJ campus network (which includes VPN) when you click on the URL above. You need to access the registration site on a device that is connected to an off-campus network, such as your internet service provider or wireless phone provider's network.
3. On the MSJ Library remote access login screen, type in your Mount username and password.
4. Click on either the “register” or “register now” buttons. (Please note: if you see a “subscribe” button instead of a “register” button in the upper right-hand corner, then that means you’re connected to the MSJ on-campus network. Please switch to an off-campus network and try again.)
5. On the registration screen, you’ll be asked to enter your name, email address, zip code, and then identify your specialty and role. You will also create a username (you can use your Mount email address) and password. Please note: This is the username and password that you will use to login to UpToDate from now on.
6. Once you have set up your personal account, you should now be logged in and can begin using UpToDate. From this point forward, whenever you want to login to UpToDate, you can go directly to https://www.uptodate.com and login using the username and password that you created when you registered. At this point, you can also download the UpToDate app for iPhone or Android, and use it with your personal account username and password. UpToDate Help and Training Site offers more information.
See also the "UpToDate Anywhere Registration Guide."
For UpToDate account reactivation: UpToDate automatically deactivates UpToDate accounts after 90 days. Students will need to follow these instructions to reactivate their UpToDate account:
1. Use the database link above but make sure you are connected to an off-campus network, NOT the MSJ campus network. (For example: your laptop on any off-campus network, or your smartphone on your phone service provider’s network instead of the Mount wireless.)
2. On the MSJ Library login page. type in your Mount username and password.
3. If you have logged in successfully, you should now see the UpToDate login page. Login with your personal UpToDate login credentials.
4. If you have logged in successfully to UpToDate, then you should see some kind of message that says your access has now been renewed or reactivated.
Books available in the MSJ Library collection:
Websites About Evidence-Based Practice: