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Spring Semester
Monday-Thursday: 7:30am-10pm
Friday: 7:30pm-5pm
Saturday: 10am-5pm
Sunday: CLOSED

(See also full Library Hours Calendar.)

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Circulation & Research:
(513) 244-4216


Archbishop Alter Library
Mount St. Joseph University
5701 Delhi Road
Cincinnati, OH 45233

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Descriptions of Group Study Spaces

Description of the MSJ Library's Group Study Rooms:

  • Group Study Room 1: maximum # of people=20
  • Group Study Room 2: maximum # of people=6
  • Group Study Room 3: maximum # of people=6
  • Additionally, we have designated group study spaces (Rooms 4-6) as “flex spaces” intended for either small group study or quiet single study:
    • Group Study Room 4 “Flex Space”: maximum # of people=4
    • Group Study Room 5 “Flex Space”: maximum # of people=4
    • Group Study Room 6 “Flex Space”: maximum # of people=2

How to Reserve a Group Study Room

How to Reserve One of the Group Study Rooms:

  • Reservations can be made online by visiting the Spaces & Appointments page and choosing "Reserve a Space'.
  • Select which group study room you want to reserve.
  • Select a day from the calendar and click on the time slots you would like to reserve.
  • Review your booking details, adding/removing time slots as needed.
  • Complete the online reservation form and click "Submit my Booking" when you are finished.
  • You will receive an email confirmation containing a link to cancel your reservation if your plans change.
  • If you will not be using the room, please cancel your reservation using this link. This is both a courtesy to others and will ensure that those hours do not count toward your daily limit.
  • Have your confirmation email readily available to verify your reservation in the event a conflict may arise. Conflicts will be resolved by the Library Staff.

Group Study Space Policies

To reserve the Library's Group Study Room, visit the MSJ Library "Spaces & Appointments" page and choose "Reserve a Space"
 to view available days and time on the timeline.

Terms & Conditions for using MSJ Library Group Study Rooms:

Purpose & General Use:

We welcome MSJ students to use any of the MSJ Library’s six Study Rooms for course-related collaborative work, which includes working on group homework, reviewing for tests, preparing group presentations, and collaborating on research projects. Group study rooms may NOT be used for socializing or for holding classes, recurring meetings, club meetings or office hours. Only current Mount students and employees with a valid MSJ ID and email address will be able to reserve group study rooms. Priority will be given to students.

Reservations must be made online via our booking form with a valid “” email address.


Group Study Spaces Available for Reservations:

  • Group Study Room 1: maximum # of people=20
  • Group Study Room 2: maximum # of people=6
  • Group Study Room 3: maximum # of people=6
  • Additionally, we have designated group study spaces (Rooms 4-6) as “flex spaces” intended for either small group study or quiet single study*:
    • Group Study Room 4 “Flex Space”: maximum # of people=4
    • Group Study Room 5 “Flex Space”: maximum # of people=4
    • Group Study Room 6 “Flex Space”: maximum # of people=2

*Please note: Individual study carrels on the 2nd & 3rd floors are available without reservations on a “first come first serve” basis for additional quiet study.


Hours & Time Policies:

Study rooms are open and bookable only during the library’s normal hours of operations.

Study rooms may be reserved in 1 hour blocks for up to 2 hours per day per individual.  

Reservations may be made a maximum of 4 weeks in advance and must be made at least 24 hours in advance.

The reservation schedule will be posted on each group study room each morning.

If a reservation is not claimed within 15 minutes then the reservation will be cancelled and the room will be made available for booking.

When it is time for your group’s reservation, proceed directly to your reserved study room. Always have your email confirmation readily available in case there are questions about your reservation. If another group is using the room during your reserved time, ask for assistance at the circulation desk.


Room Capacity:

All group study rooms can be reserved for groups of 2 or more. The “Flex spaces” Rooms 4-6 are exceptions and can be booked for 1-4 people (Rooms 4 & 5) or 1-2 people (Room 6). Maximum capacity for each room is set by University policy.


Walk-in Use of Study Rooms:

All study rooms may be available for walk-in use. However, check the day’s scheduled reservations posted on the study room’s door. Walk-in groups or individuals using rooms during a reserved time will be asked to leave the room when the group with the reservation arrives for their scheduled time.  



To protect the privacy of library patrons, names of patrons on the reservation schedule will not be shared with other patrons.


Noise Level in Study Rooms:

Users of study rooms must maintain a moderate noise level. The Group Study Rooms are not sound proof and loud talking disturbs patrons who are using the quiet study areas.


Room Furniture/Equipment & Personal Belongings:

Furniture and equipment are assigned to each room and may not be moved in or out of the study room without permission from library staff. 

At the end of your reserved time, remove all personal items, pick up trash, and erase all writing from whiteboards.

Please do not leave your belongings unattended; they are vulnerable to theft. Items left unattended in the room will be removed and sent to Lost and Found at the MSj Library's Circulation Desk. The MSJ Library is not responsible for unattended belongings. 



Library staff reserve the right to cancel reservations due to unforeseen circumstances. A cancellation notice will be sent via email to the person who scheduled the reservation.

If a reservation made by a student is not claimed within 15 minutes then the reservation will be cancelled and the room will be made available for booking.

Failing to abide by the Library Group Study Spaces Policies may result in forfeiting use of the room. Study room users should abide by the code of conduct as prescribed by the MSJ Student Handbook.

For more information or questions about the MSJ Library's Group Study Spaces, please contact:
Josh Zeller, Head of Access Services

Phone: 513-244-4882